Highway engineering is a discipline branching from civil
engineering that consists of the planning, design, construction operation &
maintenance of roads, bridges & tunnels to ensure safe & effective
transportation of people & goods.
What is the Highway ?
road pavements are generally constructed on a small embankment with respect to
surrounding ground level for the purpose of effective drainage and maintenance
. These roads are specially called ‘Highway’.
Importance of Highway:-
1. Highway
helps in the progress & advancement of the community.
2. Highway
is essential for the economic properties & general development of the
3. For
strategic movement in an emergency for the defence of the country and to maintain
better law and order.
Classification of roads in India:-
1. Express
Ways:- Expressways are a separate class of highways with facilities and
design standards and are routes having a very high volume of traffic. The
expressways are to be provided with divided carriageways, controlled access,
grade separations at crossroads and fencing. These highways should permit only
high speed moving vehicles. The pedestrians are also not allowed to cross the
2. National
Highways:- The term highway is used for major or important roads of
India. The highways of national importance, connecting commercial or industrial
with airport, seaport, railway station & state capitals. These highways
measured over 96260 km as of 2015, including over 1000 km of limited access
expressway. Out of 96260 km of national highways 22900 plus km are at least 4
lane with the remaining 50000 km 2 lane. These are constructed and maintained
by the Central Public Works Department(P.W.D) under central Govt.
3. State
Highways:- The state highways connecting district headquarters with
state headquarters or highways of neighboring states. State highways in India
are numbered highways that laid and maintained by the state govt.
4. Major
District Roads:- These are important roads within a district, serving
areas of production and markets and connecting these with each other or the
main Highways. Major district roads constitute the secondary and
interconnecting roads in India.
5. Other
District Roads:- These are roads serving rural areas of production and
providing headquarters or other main roads.
6. Village
Roads:- The roads which connect the village to the adjoining village or village
to the nearest district roads are called the village road. These are constructed
and maintained by Local District Boards or Blocks.