Top 5 Productive Things To Do During This Quarantine

        5 Productive Things To Do During This Quarantine

We are all praying now, how to overcome this difficult time, and we are free of the Corona pandemic. And we can go back to normal (10 a.m. to 5 p.m.) life again.

 Top 5 Productive Things To Do During This Quarantine

 But I’ll say, if you think this time a bad time, then in the upcoming days, there are even more difficult times waiting for you.

And a hint of it, I hope you got it. Many prominent Economists have said that the whole world is going through a famine, with the the help of their calculations. 

 Top 5 Productive Things To Do During This Quarantine



 The next year is going to be very difficult for all of us. Many people are losing their jobs, it already began.

 Top 5 Productive Things To Do During This Quarantine


We read Darwin’s theory, “the fight for existence”. In the next -2 years, we will be able to understand the significance of that principle very well.

So you, yes you, still with folded hands, then you are wrong, you are in real danger. So think, be afraid.

But don’t break after fear, rather learn to overcome fear.

Yes, this article is only for you, only for you, to wake the man lying inside you, because the world is in a terrible economic crisis.

So everyone has to fight together equally, with their best.

But this fight will with yourself, with your laziness.

I hope you read this whole article completely. So usually I am a civil engineer but this article is written for all my engineering brothers and sisters.

Because after this lockdown, unskilled engineers will be laid off the most in the coming days. So this is the time to prepare yourself.

One more small request, If you are not following us on Instagram, then please follow us on Instagram, because most of all time we are online on Instagram. You can also follow us on Facebook / Specialisedcivil2019page.

Learn More Software:-

It is true that workers will be laid off, but the question is who will be cut from their jobs.
 Top 5 Productive Things To Do During This Quarantine

The answer is quite simple, those who needless, the company will be less affected if they are laid off. And you can be that too.

So you have to increase your own value. And for that, you need to know new skills and software knowledge. Make yourself as much as you can.

If you a civil engineer, you need to know the work of software related to your industry. In the same way, all the engineers, who are involved in the work, should know about the software related to that industry.

As an example, If you are a Civil Engineer, you need to learn AutoCAD, Adv. AutoCAD, 3D MAX, STADD Pro, Revit, etc. And if you know how to run this software, then learn to work with more difficult software work.

In the next 1-2 years, all companies will want to do the work of ten people with 1 person, only then that company pays you.

Let’s learn how to use this software.

So now there are many online courses, you can join them easily. You can also from Youtube.

If you like reading books, you can download and read e-books.

You can enroll these courses for free and pay, in two ways. In most free courses you may not get a certificate.

But if you are able to spend money then I would suggest enrolled in the paid course, then you can ask the direct instructor.

Moreover, you can learn a lot in the free courses.

At the end of the day no matter free or paid, the main purpose is to learn well.

Name of course


Online Digital Marketing Course


Click Here

Be an Expert on Finance Market


Click Here

Free Courses for Content Writers or Bloggers


Click Here

Graphic Designing Course


Click Here

Advanced Microsoft Excel Course


Click Here

Become a Data Science Expert


Click Here

Facebook Ads Ninja Masterclass


Click Here

Communication & Spoken English:-

We know how essential proper communication skill is in our professional and social life. But despite knowing that, we don’t try to improve ourselves in any way.

You know that if you do 30 minutes a day behind it, you can improve your communication and fluently speaks English in the future. But that doesn’t happen for one reason or another.

Currently, you have to know spoken English and well communicated to give an interview in any MNC Company.

An unpleasant truth is that if you want to improve your career, then you have to have a good command of the English language, whether it is for personal branding or to communicate with foreign clients.

If you can stay English fluently, then you will be ahead of your competitor.

And this is the right time to learn. There is no work pressure, a lot of time to learn spoken English and good communication techniques.

  How to learn it?

 So, how to achieve this skill? I will not give much knowledge about it, because I’m not an English teacher or trainer.

Just choose any good course and start.

You can also learn by watching Youtube video or listening podcast.

I will only give one piece of advice, “just See, Heard, Read, Write, and Repeat”.

Here are the following list & URL –

Name of Course


Speak English Professionally by Georgia Tech (Coursera)

Click Here

English Speaking Courses and Classes Online (Udemy)

Click Here

University English Speaking Certifications (edX)

Click Here

English for Adults (British Council)


Click Here

For Student:- 

 For those students who have school/college holidays, stop studying and spend summer vacations, this is for them.

Those who think there will be no exams this year or no semester, so there is no need to study. I tell them you are making a big mistake.

Similarly, those who were preparing for a government exam like SSC JE, but the exam was postponed or don’t feel like studying but they are also making the same mistake.

I will suggest you make a daily study schedule, and follow is strict.


Your first job is to study, then the rest of like PUBG, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

And those who were preparing for the job exam, you continue your old schedule, because it would be foolish to change your schedule.

Here you get extra time, just use it.

And make yourself more qualified.

Start Workout:-

First of all, fitness means not bodybuilding, not six-packs, not eight packs also, fitness means keeping your body healthy so that you can have energy at work. 

And at this time everyone should do not least 30-45 minutes daily freehand workout.

If you want to fight coronavirus, you have to keep your body fit and healthy.

However, do freehand physical exercise at home, not in the gym.

You can do yoga, you will be healthy.

I would say this time if you can build the meditation habit, then it is better.

All in all, the body must be kept healthy at this time. And for that, do any freehand workout or yoga, but do it.

A great person said (Ralph Waldo Emerson), “Health is Wealth”.

If you want to fight the next days, keep yourself healthy.

Be Positive, Stay Visionary:-

After this corona pandemic, maybe many new paths will open.

On the one hand, just as people will be laid off from their jobs, on the other hand maybe the door to a new job will open.
 Top 5 Productive Things To Do During This Quarantine

You have to think a little farther.

You have to think about how to make money by doing something new.

You always have to keep yourself updated.

For that you have to find time daily and think, you have to analyze the market requirements.

One thing I want to say to all unmarried engineers is learning to save money from now on.

Learn to save a little amount of money every month.

Another thing, you can do is Mutual Fund Investment. But before investing money, you need to have clear knowledge about it. This is the right time to invest in a mutual fund because the stock market is going down.

If you interested in it, comment below, I will try to write on a detailed article on this.


Even if the lockdown is withdrawn, until the vaccine is made, we will not be able to return to normal life. And it is still 3-4 months to be ready and available in the market.

So there is still enough time, to learn any new skill or software or spoken English or whatever you want to learn.

“Yes”, although you must have a desire to learn.

As such, the job market for engineers is low, then again such a big economic crisis. So if you do not use this time properly if you don’t do some productive works. Then it’s your stupidity.

You will have to suffer the consequences in the near future.

Okay! I will end the article here and hope that you will do some productive work on the remaining lockdown.

If you like reading this article and get feel a little bit of motivated, then please don’t forget to share this post with your family and friends.

And what is your next plan, you must write in the comment, I will definitely reply to all of the individual comment.

Goodbye friends, follow us on Instagram and Facebook.


                                 Thank You

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